Sometimes when you wake up in the morning with a feeling of sadness and that’s it, it carries on for hours or days when you don’t even know why you feel the way you do. You just have no idea why as to the sudden feeling of being stressed, you’re overwhelmed with emotions or are simply low on energy and absolutely no will to do anything currently. Well, I don’t know the cause of it but I surely know what can make you feel better. Read on…

1)    Put on clean sheets on your bed

Just trust me, the feeling of new sheets on your bed can make the sadness or cluster of emotions flush down the toilet. No one likes laundry, but neither can deny the fact how comfortable, happy and relaxed clean sheets can make you feel. The freshness of a new or washed sheets gives a fresher sense of vibe to you. Don’t believe me, just try it!

2)    Do some kind of sweaty workout

Any workout works as long as you perspire a lot. Yoga, running, sex, dancing or even running around your apartment, anything! Maybe take a long walk down the road and get sweaty. Doing something energetic makes you feel alive within, the laziness goes away, you just gotta get that ass off the couch and get going. 

3)    Dry brush your skin

Just like brushing the fur on your pet, dry brushing is great. I can’t say that it definitely reduces cellulite as many claims, but it does remove ashiness, which works too. Don’t forget to take a soft brush, or else you might end up hurting your skin with a tough brush.

4)    Take a shower

A long bubble is all you need at times. You can cry your eyes out, or listen to soft music and enjoy all the tension to wash off along with water. You do whatever you feel like during your bath, go ahead and shave while you’re at it, but remember to leave your worries once you leave the bathroom. 

5)    Wear new clothes 

The same principle as clean sheets, wearing new clothes to work or even when you go down to buy groceries can make you feel new within. Getting dressed up makes you feel confident, it does take the stress away, believe me, I dress up every Monday just to keep the Monday blues away. 

Go try it, I’m sure you’ll come back to leave a “thank you” comment below <3

Many unexpected stuff can make you happy, like getting an unexpected holiday or finding money in your pocket, or like unexpected weight loss. 

NO, unexpected weight loss might just be a real serious problem, so while you may be celebrating for losing some weight, get checked up if it isn’t a symptom to any diseases or disorder! 

1)    Muscle loss (sarcopenia)

People tend to experience muscle loss as they age because they neglect to maintain muscle health. This kind of muscle atrophy is sarcopenia, which can begin as early as your 40s and cause unexplained weight loss and reduced strength, energy, and mobility. To avoid muscle loss, one should add more protein and vitamin D to their diet. Older adults require more protein to build muscle at that age. Also, adding weights to your workouts helps build muscle mass and strength. 

2)    Cancer 
Cancer, in general, can cause weight loss, but there are several types of cancer, such as lung, pancreatic, biliary, and colon, that are known to lead to unexplained weight loss. Abnormally functioning cancer cells grow out of control, speed up your metabolism, and wear out your entire body by using its resources, which causes weight loss. Cancer treatments can also lead to weight loss. Radiation and chemotherapy often cause a decrease in appetite, and it can lead to side effects, including nausea, vomiting, and mouth sores that discourage eating. 

3)    HIV and AIDS 

AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, chronic and potentially life-threatening disease that is caused by HIV, human immunodeficiency virus. HIV can make it harder for your body to absorb nutrients, which causes malnutrition and can lead to a decreased appetite. While there’s no cure for HIV or AIDS, there are medications that can dramatically slow the progression of the disease and allow you to live an otherwise healthy life.

4)    Depression

Usually, when a person is depressed, he or she losses interest in almost everything that exists in life, even the ones they enjoyed previously. In this mood-disorder, giving up eating is one common thing that is found, whereas many start overeating. But, depression does result in weight loss which isn’t healthy at all. While there’s no one single cause of depression, many cases can be treated effectively with medication and therapy, although some antidepressants can also contribute to further weight loss.

5)    Diabetes 

Diabetes is often associated with weight gain or obesity, but surprisingly, weight loss can be one of the diabetes symptoms. When the body is no longer able to produce insulin sufficiently, glucose is no longer making it into the bloodstream to be used as energy. When there is an insufficiency in insulin, the body starts burning fat and muscle for energy, causing a reduction in overall body weight. If you are a diabetic and are experiencing weight loss, you need to see your doctor asap. 

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10th October is celebrated as World Mental Health Day all around the world and this year’s theme is young people and their mental health in a changing world. 

Being in your teen years may just be the hardest part of your life. Adulthood is a time of life when many changes occur, such as entering college, changing states for studies, or even looking for a new job. But out of all this, trying to know where you belong, what you like and where exactly you fit in can be a stressful job. It may be exciting for many but also be times of apprehension for some. 

In such times, these feelings of uncertainty, facing challenges or making decisions lead to mental illness. In all this, there comes the new technology, online technology. While many reap the benefits, and some are under pressure, it keeps on adding peer pressure, looking at other’s lives on social media, the happy lifestyle put many teenagers in depression and driving them to hate their lives. 

Many adolescents are also living in areas affected by humanitarian emergencies such as conflicts, natural disasters and epidemics. Young people living in situations such as these are particularly vulnerable to mental distress and illness.

All you need is understanding:

Prevention begins with being aware of and understanding the early warning signs and symptoms of mental illness. Parents and teachers can help build life skills of children and adolescents to help them cope with everyday challenges at home and at school. Psycho-social support can be provided in schools and other community settings and of course training for health workers to enable them to detect and manage mental health disorders can be put in place, improved or expanded.

Half of all mental illness begins at the age 14:

Half of all mental illness begins by the age of 14, but most cases go undetected and untreated. In terms of the burden of the disease among adolescents, depression is the third leading cause. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds. Harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs among adolescents is a major issue in many countries and can lead to risky behaviours such as unsafe sex or dangerous driving. Eating disorders are also of concern.

Importance of awareness:

Fortunately, there is a growing recognition of the importance of helping young people build mental resilience, from the earliest ages, in order to cope with the challenges of today’s world. The evidence is growing that promoting and protecting adolescent health brings benefits not just to adolescents’ health, but to the society on a whole. 

On Twitter, people have been tweeting about mental health and how important it is of an issue, have a look!